Wednesday, March 25, 2009

{ puppy love }

I think it's no secret that I am obsessed with my dogs { and just dogs in general...and the the Sheltie named Tillman that will soon be the 4th addition to our family.}.

For the longest time, it was Vita and Margot, and when Vita passed away, my parents added satan reincarnated to the Hoffman family. But of course, even Zoe I have grown to love. They are my little furry best friends and yes I do talk to them, and yes, they do listen. And when I met Trey, I was thrilled to learn that he had a dog, Koozie, who is now like our little son. Needless to say, back in the very first days of planning, I wanted an outdoor weedding and of course, Margot and Zoe would be the flower girls and Kooz would be the ring bearer. But after giving it some thought, we realized that a July wedding in Charleston would not be so ideal outdoors. So with that idea went the idea of our furry attendants because its' doubtful that they will be welcomed in our beautiful Episcopal church. Eventually I got over it, but I still can't fight the pangs of jealousy when I see pictures like these.

I mean look at those puppies: they all look all look so happy! I think that our dogs totally deserve to share in the happy day as well! But, there may be hope: yesterday my wonderful husband-to-be informed me that he has found a way for Koozie to be in our wedding pictures. I have no idea how, but I hope it happens because I would love more than anything to have a picture of the three of us hanging in our living room.
And now I'm looking forward to tonight: Sara and I are meeting for drinks & she is the ONLY girl I know that is engaged { we are actually getting married at the same church, one month apart} so it will be fun to talk weddings because I'm sure with my wedding obsession, I start to annoy those who aren't engaged or are already married.
{115 days! }

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